eCrozier #08

My Brothers & Sisters

Attached to this Ecrozier is a draft of what I am calling a Congregational Covenant. This idea is new so I will understand if many of us have lots of questions about it. Let me offer some commentary about the draft now. That may answer some of the questions you will have. But if it does not, I hope you will be in touch with me.

The purpose of the draft covenant is to create an expectation of mutual accountability between lay leaders of a congregation, the clergy of the congregation, and me, so we can all live in a climate of clarity and openness about our mission. The covenant will help us all focus on the essentials of our common mission without making it “cookie cutter,” but rather making it particular to each congregation’s context and life. Too often in the Church we get distracted from our core mission. This covenant is one way for us to keep the main thing, well, “the main thing.” I have made an effort in this draft have it be flexible enough to apply to all possible contexts in which our congregations “live and move and have their being.”

Let me also be clear: This draft covenant is never to be used as a cudgel or way of inappropriately manipulating anyone, be that lay leaders, the clergy, or me. In other words, I have no hidden agenda in offering this. It is simply a way for us mutually to keep our “eyes on the prize.” As you will see when you study it, it is based on mutual accountability between the laity, the clergy, and me.

So, look it over, share it with your wardens, and let’s have a conversation about it. I am open to revisions to it (after all, it is a draft).

See y’all at Convention.



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